Mourning Dove Nest
Palo Alto California

Photos by Matt Blaze

In May of 1999, a mourning dove built a nest in a badly neglected potted plant on my balcony in Palo Alto.

Click on each image to see a larger version with details.

May 8, 1999. Mourning Dove and Nest

May 8, 1999. Mourning Dove with Feather

May 8, 1999. Mourning Dove Eggs

May 14, 1999. Squab Alone in Nest

May 15, 1999. Decisive Moment

May 15, 1999. Squab on Ledge

May 15, 1999. Mourning Dove and Squab

May 22, 1999. Mourning Dove Spotting Nest

May 22, 1999. Mourning Dove with Egg

May 22, 1999. Mourning Dove Head

Entire contents copyright © 1999 by Matt Blaze. All rights reserved. You may not copy, modify or use these images for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without permission.

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