Other Torque Tools
Other torque tools (from bottom: LAB 2-prong, HPC Feather,
HPC Variable, Tweezer).
A number of other 2-prong torque tools have been produced by
various manufacturers, but none work especially well or provide
the control of the Falle tools. The LAB 2-prong tool (bottom)
is useful for holding open the covers of car locks. The
"feather" tool (second from bottom) has a spring to control torque.
While this does allow good control over the amount of torque
applied, it also effectively eliminates almost all tactile feedback
via the torque tool, making it of very limited value against
the kinds of locks that might require such careful control.
Image taken with a Nikon D-100 digital camera with
35mm lens, under light tent with electronic flash.
Copyright © 2003 by Matt Blaze. All rights reserved.
You may not copy, modify or use this image for any commercial or
non-commercial purpose without permission.
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