Falle Torque Tools

Falle-Safe torque tools (front; from bottom: 1, 2, 3). Perhaps the most unique feature of the Falle picks are the fitted two blade torque tools. A narrow blade fits the top of the keyway and a wider blade fits the bottom, maximizing room for the picking tool and providing very good control over the degree to which the plug is turned. (I can't imagine picking a spool or mushroom pin without them). The six different models vary the width of the top and bottom blades to provide a good fit into most (though not all) common keyways. (The design is different from other two pronged torque tools in that the blades sit horizontally across the top and bottom of the keyway rather than vertically). Note that both ends of the tools are fitted with the same size blades, but reverse which side is wide and which is narrow, allowing for torque to be applied from either above or below the cylinder.

Image taken with a Nikon D-100 digital camera with 35mm lens, under light tent with electronic flash.

Copyright © 2003 by Matt Blaze. All rights reserved. You may not copy, modify or use this image for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without permission.

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