UHF SATCOM Satellite Downlinks Receivable in North America
1 October 2012, updated 20 February 2017
I've found a number of excellent web resources (such as uhf-satcom.com and satelliteenwel.de)
that list UHF military satellite downlinks, but most of them, for whatever reason, are focused on signals that can be received in Europe.
So I've set about cataloging the downlink signals between 243 and 270 MHz that can be easily and regularly received in North America. This page lists the UHF satellite signals that I can receive and measure with my own (limited) equipment at several (sub-optimal) receiving sites on the East and West coasts of the US. The focus is on geostationary downlinks (which can be received over a large footprint and without the need to calculate their position based on time), but non-geostationary LEO, MEO, and HEO transponders will be included if I happen to catch them. Some samples of the spectrum produced by various transponders can be found here.
UHF military satellites are used chiefly to support the low bandwidth voice and data TACSAT system. This system is used by ground troops, typically employing portable "manpack" transceivers and lightweight tripod-mounted antennas, as well as by aircraft and ships when they travel outside of HF and VHF line-of-sight range. Most military traffic is digitally encrypted, but there are occasional analog clear transmissions as well, usually in FM mode (the transponders will pass almost any modulation that fits within their passband).
But military messages are not the only transmissions that pass through the TACSAT transponders. There are a number of unauthorized and unintentional signals as well, which vary by region. In South America -- principally Brazil -- a large community of "pirate" users have discovered ways to modify VHF amateur radio gear to access the SATCOM system, and their signals comprise the vast majority of the clear traffic going through the transponders that cover the Americas. The satellites over Asia, on the other hand, do not appear to carry much pirate traffic but suffer from a large number of legitimate terrestrial signals on the uplink frequencies that make it into the satellites and that are relayed on the downlink. In particular, many Pacific transponders frequently pick up signals from Russian mobile telephone base stations. These unauthorized and unintentional signals are discussed in more detail in the sections that follow.
This guide catalogs the downlink signals I can intercept in each of two representative geographic areas: in the central New Jersey / Philadelphia area on the East coast and in the San Francisco Bay area on the West coast. This should provide reasonably complete coverage of just about every geostationary transponder downlink in the 243-270 MHz band that can be received in the continental US and most of the rest of the Americas. Because UHF TACSAT footprints are quite wide, any downlink that reaches at least some of the continental US should be receivable on at least one US coast. Any transponder downlink signal received at both of my East and West coastal receiving sites should be receivable almost anywhere in the Americas, while those received at only one will be receivable over only part of the US (precisely how much of the US is covered depends on how far East or West the satellite is positioned over the Equator.)
Any modern, reasonable quality narrowband FM receiver that covers 240-270 MHz should be sufficient for receiving unencrypted UHF TACSAT signals. A spectrum display is helpful for finding the transponders, but not essential once the active transponder channels are known (see this page for details on the different kinds of downlink signals). The downlink signal levels are are relatively weak (they're traveling almost 25,000 miles, after all), making an outdoor antenna with a radiation pattern favoring the satellite is virtually mandatory. A specially-designed circularly polarized directional antenna (such as are used by the military) is ideal but not essential. I have not found receiver preamplifiers, however, to be especially helpful, at least within the satellite footprints.
This is a small personal effort, and while I've tried to be as accurate as possible, it is by no means comprehensive. I'd greatly appreciate any corrections or updates; contact me at mab@mattblaze.org .
UHF Satellites
Although military communications satellites carry classified traffic, surprisingly little about the actual satellite systems themselves is considered sensitive or kept secret. Detailed information about virtually all man-made satellites (there are currently a bit more than a thousand in operation) can be found in public databases. This data is relied upon -- and thus also frequently checked and double checked -- by the amateur astronomy community, with the effect that launches of, and changes to, even "black" military satellites are typically published on the Web quite quickly. I rely here especially on the UCS Satellite Database and the Zarya Database.
Many of the satellites used for tactical military communication operate on UHF frequencies in the 240-318 MHz band. At UHF, the potential "footprint" (coverage area) of a geostationary satellite can be quite large -- about ± 65 longitudinal degrees (this decreases a bit as one moves away from the Equator). The continental US spans from about 67° West (Maine) to about 124° West (Washington state). Most of the known geostationary UHF military satellites with footprints covering all or part of this region are operated by the US military, with a few British and NATO birds mixed in as well. (Actually "UHF" is a bit of a misnomer here, since the downlinks are technically at what is usually considered the upper end of the VHF spectrum, which runs to 300MHz.)
The US divides the world into four regions for UHF satellite purposes: CONUS, covering the Americas; LANT, covering the Atlantic, Western Europe and Africa; IO, covering the Indian ocean, Eastern Europe and Asia; and PAC, covering the Pacific and Australia. Constellations of geostationary "UFO" and "FLTSATCOM" satellites are positioned roughly over the center of each region, yielding effectively worldwide coverage for the US TACSAT system (excluding the arctic and subarctic polar regions, which are covered by HEO and MEO satellites). All of the continental US is within the CONUS constellation's footprint, with the East and West US coasts also touching the edges of the LANT and PAC footprints, respectively. No part of the continental US is within the footprint of the IO region satellites.
Those near either coast thus have access to more TACSAT transponders than those in the center of the country. The regions overlap considerably; Brazil, for example, home to a large number of unauthorized "pirate" TACSAT users, is covered by both the CONUS and LANT footprints.
In all, there are 22 currently known candidate geostationary military communications satellites that are positioned to cover all or parts of the North America and that are either known to or believed potentially to carry UHF transponders. Military satellites are generally known by a variety of names and designators, which makes cataloging them a bit of an exercise in arcane jargon. Also, many "geostationary" satellites actually move around quite a bit with respect to the Earth; their positions listed in different databases can disagree by several degrees over time. Many of these satellites are already well beyond their expected service lifetimes, and could fail or be replaced at any time.
The relevant currently operating satellites I'm aware of are, from East to West:
Name | Longitude (estimated) | Notes |
SDS III-2 F5 NRO L10 (USA-155) | 10.03° W | UHF downlinks |
WGS3 (USA-221) | 12.0° W | No known UHF transponders |
DSCS III-F6/B12 (USA-82) | 12.09° W | No known UHF transponders |
DSCS III-F12/B11 (USA-153) | 12.15° W | No known UHF transponders |
FLTSATCOM8 (USA-46) | 14.7° W | LANT; bandplans Bravo and Charlie |
Skynet 5C (UK) | 17.83° W | British; several UHF transponders |
UFO7 (USA-127) | 21.9° W | LANT; bandplan Papa |
SDS III-6 NRO L-27 (USA-227) | 30.4 W | Possible UHF downlinks |
Skynet 4F (UK) | 34.0° W | British; several UHF transponders |
NATO 4B (USA-98) | 35.05° W | No known UHF transponders |
Milstar DFS1 / Milstar 1-F1 (USA-98) | 38.9° W | Possible SS UHF transponders |
DSCS III-F9/B7 (USA-113) | 52.4° W | No known UHF transponders |
DSCS III-B6 (USA-170) | 52.5° W | No known UHF transponders |
Milstar DFS-4 / Milstar 2-F2 (USA-157) | 67.9° W | Possible SS UHF transponders |
Milstar DFS 6 (USA-169) | 90.0° W | Possible SS UHF transponders |
UFO5 (USA-111) | 99.4° W | CONUS; bandplan November; not in UCS db |
UFO6 (USA-114) | 105.5° W | CONUS; bandplan Quebec |
DSCS III-F10/B13 (USA-135) | 130.05° W | No known UHF transponders |
DSCS III-F11/B6 (USA-148) | 135.11° W | No known UHF transponders |
SDS III-3 / NRO L12 (USA-162) | 143.88° W | UHF downlinks |
UFO4 (USA-108) | 177.12° W | PAC; bandplan Oscar? |
UFO8 (USA-138) | 172.28° E | PAC; bandplan Papa? |
All these satellites are in geostationary/geosynchronous orbit (that is, 35,786 km directly above the Equator at their longitudinal position).
Note that even very directional UHF antennas (of any reasonable size) have much wider beamwidths than the typical small satellite dishes used, e.g., for direct broadcast television (which operate at much higher frequencies and with lower received signal levels). The good news is that this means that antenna aiming is much less critical here than it is for setting up a satellite TV dish -- it is generally sufficient to just point in the general direction of the satellite, above the horizon and toward the Equator. The bad news is that it is effectively not possible to authoritatively determine from which satellite a signal emanated using the receiving antenna's heading alone. In practice, we can usually only distinguish signals between satellites spaced at least 20° or 30° apart this way.
Figuring out from which satellite a given UHF signal originated thus requires some guesswork and information beyond just the antenna heading and known satellite positions. Fortunately, some UHF frequency data has been published by the military that can help reduce uncertainty here. An official list of US TACSAT channels can be found in the US TACSAT FM 6-02.90 manual [pdf], but does not specify which channels are carried on which satellites. Frequency bandplans for some satellites (e.g., "Bandplan Novemeber") can be found on satellitenwelt.de. Even then, it is sometimes impossible to be completely certain exactly which satellite hosts a given transponder signal, at least based on unclassified public data.
Most US UHF voice transponder channels use an uplink that is 41.000 MHz above its downlink frequency (although there are a number of exceptions to this rule). The voice transponders are completely analog; unlike repeaters used in land mobile radio systems, they do not demodulate the signals that pass through them. Whatever signal is received by the transponder on the uplink frequency (within the passband bandwidth) is translated directly into a transmitted signal on the downlink. This means that satellite retransmission is independent of the modulation type used, as long as the signal fits within the passband (generally 25 KHz for voice channels). Most current military voice satellite traffic is encrypted and digitally modulated, but, as Brazilian pirates have discovered, conventional analog FM signals are retransmitted just as well. The uplink frequency range is also used for non-satellite military communications (mostly aviation, which uses analog AM, and, in Asia, mobile phone traffic, which uses narrowband FM). Unintended signals from such users will occasionally make their way up to a satellite and be retransmitted on the corresponding downlink channel.
Notes on Methodology
All signals were captured with a Trivec or D&M portable TACSAT antenna just above ground level and manually rotated for maximum signal level. Given a reasonably clear view to the satellite, these antennas generally yield peak received signal levels between about -6 and +6 dBµV for military geostationary transponders, which is more than sufficient for measurement and demodulation on modern receivers without resort to higher-gain (and narrow beamwidth) director elements or preamplifiers. To eliminate any local terrestrial-based sources all signals were captured from at least two different locations in the local area. I used a Rohde and Schwarz PR100 portable receiver to find the signals and measure their characteristics.
Frequency: Frequency (in MHz) is measured from the center of the received downlink signal, generally rounded to the nearest known channel.
Heading: Between the wide beamwidth of the small antennas used and my lack of a completely clear view of the horizon, my receiving arrangement doesn't provide high resolution directional bearings. So I'm just recording a coarse heading where the (manually rotated) antenna maximizes the received signal strength. As noted above, this does not permit distinguishing different satellites whose geostationary slots are near one another. (Reporting bearings with any greater precision than a rough direction would be false advertising here.)
Bandwidth: Most satellite transponders transmit a (relatively weak) signal even when they are idle. This consists of broadband noise spread throughout the entire output bandwidth, generally with a steep cutoff at the edges. The distinctive shape of these signals makes transponder downlinks easy to identify, and their exact bandwidth can serve as a simple "signature" for different satellite families.
I'm measuring the bandwidth here as the approximate size of the "flat" part of the downlink output, which is not always the same as the published bandwidth of the transponder. For example, US UFO TACSAT transponders "advertise" 25 KHz or 5 KHz of bandwidth per voice or data channel, respectively, but I measure the transponder downlink bandwidths from UFO5, UFO6 and UFO7 as 30 KHz and 6 KHz. The older FLTSATCOM8 voice transponders, on the other hand, have downlinks closer to the same size as their intended channel bandwidths: 25 KHz and 4.5 KHz for voice and data, respectively. See example spectrum capture plots here.
Satellite: The "Probable Satellite and GEO Position" are my best guesses based on the most likely transponders in the direction of maximum signal strength among those listed in unclassified published sources. For the US TACSAT channel numbers, I relied on the US DoD's (somewhat out of date) MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROCEDURES FOR ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY TACTICAL SATELLITE AND DEMAND ASSIGNED MULTIPLE ACCESS OPERATIONS [pdf]
(FM 6-02.90) manual. For frequency band-plan information on individual satellites, I rely heavily on the excellent web page at http://www.satellitenwelt.de/uhfmilsat.htm, which is essential reading for anyone interested in UHF satellites. The latter is in German (but is amenable to comprehensible translation via Google Translate).
Notes: The "notes" reflect traffic that I happened to notice during measurements. The ubiquitous Brazilian pirates continue to be well represented on the US CONUS and LANT TACSAT birds as well as on the British Skynet 5C system. ("Portuguese" here refers to the language spoken, not the owner of the satellite.)
East Coast: Central New Jersey / Philadelphia
The East coast of the US is in the primary footprint of satellites that cover the CONUS region (e.g, UFO5 and UFO6) and on the edge of many that cover the LANT region. I believe there are two US LANT region TACSAT satellites currently operating (UFO7 at 23W and FLTSATCOM8 at 14.7 W). We are technically outside the primary coverage area of the LANT constellation, but I have no trouble receiving UFO7 and FLTSATCOM8 transponders here.
Most channels receivable on the East coast have signals from only one satellite. A few, however, have signals from one transponder in the CONUS constellation and another in the LANT constellation. These require more careful antenna aiming to disambiguate the signal source. Note in particular that 255.550 has a 30 KHz transponder on UFO6 (at 105W) and a 25 KHz transponder on FLTSATCOM8 (at 15W). This frequency is very popular with Brazilian pirates, who are within the footprints of both of these satellites; I have occasionally heard both 255.550 transponders in use by pirates simultaneously.
UFO6 (bandpland Quebec) appeared to go off the air some time around 2012-11-02, but most (thought not all) of its transponders were back on the air by 2012-11-09, and the remaining transponders were back by 2012-12-14.
This section last updated 2012-12-14.
Frequency | Heading | Bandwidth | Probable Satellite and GEO Position | Notes |
243.8195 | SSE | 58 KHz | Milstar DFS-4 67.9W? | spread spectrum from 243.7905-243.8485 |
243.915 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 199 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.925 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 200 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.935 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 201 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.945 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 202 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.955 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 203 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.965 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 204 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.975 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 205 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.985 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 206 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
244.075 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 218 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.085 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 219 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.095 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 221 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.105 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 223 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.115 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 225 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.125 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 226 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.135 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 227 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.145 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 228 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
244.155 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 229 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
244.165 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 230 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
244.175 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 231 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
244.185 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 232 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
244.185 | ESE | 4.5 KHz | Ch 232 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
244.190 | ESE | 4.5 KHz | Ch 233 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | |
244.195 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 234 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
244.195 | ESE | 4.5 KHz | Ch 234 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
244.200 | ESE | 4.5 KHz | Ch 235 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | |
244.205 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 236 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
244.210 | ESE | 4.5 KHz | Ch 237 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | |
244.215 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 238 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
244.225 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 239 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
245.800 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | Portuguese |
248.825 | SW | 30 Khz | Not in bandplan | first noticed 20140314 |
248.845 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 129 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.855 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 131 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.865 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 132 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.875 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 133 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.885 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 134 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.895 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 135 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.905 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 137 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.915 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 138 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.925 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 139 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.935 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 140 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.945 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 141 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.955 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 143 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.965 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 144 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
249.105 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 161 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.115 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 162 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.125 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 163 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.135 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 164 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.145 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 165 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.155 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 167 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.165 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 168 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.175 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 169 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.185 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 170 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.195 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 171 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.205 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 173 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.215 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 174 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.225 | ESE | 6 KHz | Ch 175 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
249.235 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 176 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.245 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 177 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.255 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 179 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.265 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 180 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.275 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 181 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.285 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 182 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.295 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 183 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.305 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 185 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.315 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 186 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.325 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 187 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.335 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 188 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.345 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 189 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.355 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 191 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.375 | SW | 30 KHz | Not in bandplan | first noticed 20140314 |
249.450 | ESE | 6 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | |
249.500 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | |
249.550 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | |
249.918 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | Portuguese |
250.075 | WSW | 25 KHz | SDS III-3 (USA 162) 143.88W | |
250.130 | ESE | 6 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | |
250.350 | SW | ? | CONUS: UFO5 99.4W? | narrow carrier |
250.450 | SW | 30 KHz? | | normally distributed peaks over 30 KHz |
250.550 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 5- LANT: FLTSATCOM8: 14.7W or UFO7 21.9W | wide data; probably FLTSATCOM8 |
250.650 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 7 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
251.275 | SW | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
251.325 | SW | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
251.325 | ESE | 37 KHz | SDS3-F2 (USA155): 10.3W | data; check status |
251.700 | ESE | 34 KHz | ? | Possible LEO/HEO |
251.850 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 9 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | off air 20140314 |
252.050 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 11 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
252.150 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 12 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8; off air 20140314 |
252.150 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 12 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
253.500 | ESE | 36 KHz | Milstar DFS4 67.9W/Milstar DFS1 39.7W? | Portugese at 1600Z-20120930 |
253.550 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 13 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
253.750 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 15 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | Portuguese 1600Z-20120930 |
253.850 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 16 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8; |
253.850 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 16 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
253.900 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | Portugese at 1600Z-20120930 |
254.100 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 241 - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
254.150 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 192 - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
255.250 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 17 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
255.450 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 19 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | Portuguese + "twin peak" data 20120930 |
255.550 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 20 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8; Portuguese 20120930 |
255.550 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 20 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6; Portuguese 20121003 |
256.375 | E | 25 KHz? | | data - maybe HEO sat |
256.600 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C: 17.8W | Portuguese |
256.850 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 21 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8; data bursts 20120930 |
256.850 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 21 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO5 |
257.050 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 23 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | "buzzy" data |
257.150 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 24 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese |
257.425 | ESE | 36 KHz | Skynet 4F 34.0W | Portuguese? music |
257.550 | SW | 30 KHz | UK Channel | first noticed 20140314 |
258.350 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 25 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | "buzzy" data |
258.550 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 27 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | data bursts |
258.650 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 28 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
258.650 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 28 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
258.775 | ESE | 25 KHz? | SDS 3-F2 (US155) 10.3W | data |
260.375 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 46 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
260.425 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 48 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | data bursts |
260.475 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 50 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
260.525 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 52 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
260.625 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 56 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese child? 20120930 |
260.725 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 60 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
261.400 | ESE | ? | ? | periodic/intermittent carrier |
261.450 | SE | 30 KHz | FLTSATCOM8 14.7 KHz? | Portuguese 20121014; no idle transponder signal |
261.575 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 71 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.675 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 75 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.775 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 79 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.875 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 83 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
262.125 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 90 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
262.200 | ESE | 34 KHz | Skynet 5C 17.8W | signal partly overlaps w/ 262.225 |
262.225 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 94 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese; partly overlaps w/ 262.200 |
262.325 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 98 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
262.425 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 102 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese |
262.675 | SE | ? | SDS III-6 F5 30.4W? | data |
263.225 | WSW | ? | SDS III-3 F3 143.8W | data |
263.575 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 109 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
263.625 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 111 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | data bursts |
263.675 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 113 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
263.725 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 115 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | data bursts |
263.825 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 119 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
263.925 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 123 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | B/c audio @ .020 |
265.250 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 29 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | data |
265.450 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 31 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | Portuguese |
265.550 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 32 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
265.550 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 32 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
266.750 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 33 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
266.950 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 35 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
267.050 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 36 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
267.050 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 36 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
267.550 | WSW | 30 KHz | SDS III-3 (US162) 143.8W | data |
267.825 | SW | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
267.925 | SW | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
268.150 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 37 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
268.350 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 39 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | |
268.450 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 40 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Spanish lang broadcast; Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
268.450 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 40 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
268.675 | ESE | 30 KHz | SDS III-2-F5 (US155) 10.03W | data |
269.650 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 41 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
269.850 | ESE | 30 KHz | Ch 43 - LANT: UFO7 21.9W | data bursts |
269.950 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 44 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Ch shared w/ FLTSATCOM8 |
269.950 | ESE | 25 KHz | Ch 44 - LANT: FLTSATCOM8 14.7W | Ch shared w/ UFO6 |
West Coast: San Francisco Bay Area
The West coast of the US is in the primary footprint of satellites that cover the CONUS region (e.g. UFO5 and UFO6) and on the edge of many that cover the PAC region (e.g., UFO4 and UFO8). Most of the PAC satellites are a bit weaker here than the CONUS birds are, at least from my SF Bay Area vantage point.
Overall, the PAC region satellites carry several more transponders than their LANT region counterparts, and so those on the West coast are in range of a few more downlinks across the band than are those in the East.
The Pacific constellation is a bit less well documented than the Atlantic region, and I've had to make a few educated guesses and fill in a few missing details from the existing open literature based on my measurements. satellitenwelt.de lists the two main PAC region TACSATS, UFO4 (at 177.1°W) and UFO8 (at 173.3°E), as following bandplans Oscar and Papa, but does not specify which satellite follows which bandplan. I measure the Oscar downlink channels at a bearing that is rather distinctly, if only slightly, to the SW of the Papa channels. So I'm concluding (tentatively) that UFO4 (the Easternmost of the two) follows Oscar and UFO8 follows Papa.
There have also been a number of "mystery downlinks" over the Pacific whose origin is not obvious from the published sources to which I have access. In particular, during October 2012 there were strong downlink signals from the SW on many (but not all) of the frequencies used by CONUS UFO6 (bandplan "Quebec"), but no satellite on this bandplan was listed in any database for the PAC region. (Because these channels have two downlink signals coming simultaneously from different directions on them, it's difficult for me to take a more accurate bearing than just "generally SW", and so I can't really tell where these were coming from is with respect to the known positions of other satellites.) These transponders went off the air some time in early November 2012; time will tell whether they will reappear. There are also several signals (e.g., 267.925) on frequencies that do not appear in any US or NATO bandplan.
As on the East coast, Portuguese-speaking (presumably Brazilian) pirates are the main source of clear (FM) traffic through the voice transponders, although less of this traffic can be heard on the West coast than on the East coast. This is because Brazilians can choose either CONUS or LANT satellites (being within both footprints), but the Western US is well outside of the LANT footprint. So only the portion of Brazilian traffic that goes through CONUS constellation satellites can be received in the Western US.
While the PAC constellation may lack Brazilian pirates, it has its own source of unintended signals not found on CONUS or LANT satellites: Russian mobile telephones. Some areas of Russia (and the former Soviet Union generally) are still served by a non-cellular trunked analog mobile telephone system, called Altai, that operates in the 300-344 MHz range. Certain TACSET uplink frequencies are shared with those of Altai base station outputs, whose signals often make their way up to (and are retransmitted by) PAC region transponders whose uplinks are on those frequencies. The Altai system dates from the Soviet era and long predates the UHF TACSAT system, so this unintended traffic has presumably been an issue from the very beginning of TACSAT deployment.
UFO6 (bandpland Quebec) appeared to go off the air some time around 2012-11-02, but most (thought not all) of its transponders were back on the air by 2012-11-09, with the remaining transponders back on the air by 2012-12-14.
2014 saw a number of small but notable changes. In the CONUS constellation, several new 30 KHz voice transponders appeared on 248.825, 249.375, 251.275, 251.325, 267.825, and 267.925; note that the first two of these are in the data portion of the band, and several do not appear in any standard bandplan of which I'm aware. In the PAC constellation, we have a new 30 KHz voice transponder on 258.450 and three new 6 KHz data transponders on what the bandplan says should be voice channels: 262.100, 262.150 and 262.200.
This section last update 2014-03-16
Frequency | Heading | Bandwidth | Probable Satellite and GEO Position | Notes |
243.8075 | SW | 58 KHz | Milstar? | spread spectrum; overlaps w/ 243.8195 |
243.8195 | SE | 58 KHz | Milstar DFS-4 67.9W? | spread spectrum from 243.7905-243.8485 |
243.915 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 199 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.925 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 200 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.935 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 201 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.945 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 202 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.955 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 203 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.965 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 204 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.975 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 205 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.985 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 206 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
243.995 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 208 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | slightly SE of 244.075 |
244.005 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 210 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.015 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 212 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.025 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 213 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.035 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 214 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.045 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 215 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.055 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 216 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.065 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 217 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
244.075 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 218 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | slightly SW of 243.995 |
244.085 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 219 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.095 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 221 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.105 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 223 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.115 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 225 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.125 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 226 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.135 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 227 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.145 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 228 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
244.155 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 229 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.155 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 229 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.165 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 230 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.165 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 230 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.175 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 231 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.175 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 231 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.185 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 232 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.185 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 232 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.195 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 234 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.195 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 234 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.295 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 236 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.205 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 236 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.215 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 238 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.215 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 238 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
244.225 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 239 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
244.225 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 239 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
248.825 | SE | 30 Khz | Not in bandplan | first noticed 20140314; stronger than UFO5/6 |
248.845 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 129 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.855 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 131 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.865 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 132 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.875 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 133 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.885 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 134 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.895 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 135 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.905 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 137 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.915 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 138 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.925 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 139 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.935 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 140 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.945 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 141 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.955 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 143 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.965 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 144 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
248.975 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 145 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | slightly SE of 249.105 |
248.985 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 146 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
248.995 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 147 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.005 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 149 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.015 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 150 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.025 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 151 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.035 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 152 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.045 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 153 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.055 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 155 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.065 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 156 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.075 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 157 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.085 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 158 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.095 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 159 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
249.105 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 161 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | slightly SW of 248.975 |
249.115 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 162 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.125 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 163 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.135 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 164 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.145 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 165 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.155 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 167 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.165 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 168 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.175 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 169 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.185 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 170 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.195 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 171 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.205 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 173 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.215 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 174 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.225 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 175 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
249.235 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 176 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.245 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 177 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.255 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 179 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.265 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 180 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.275 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 181 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.285 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 182 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.295 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 183 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.305 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 185 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.315 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 186 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.325 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 187 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.335 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 188 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.345 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 189 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.355 | SE | 6 KHz | Ch 191 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
249.375 | SE | 30 KHz | Not in bandplan | first noticed 20140314; stronger than UFO5/6 |
249.600 | SW | ? | ? | narrow carrier |
249.7205 | SE | 420 KHz | ? | sidebands every 15.5 KHz; pos LEO/HEO |
250.075 | SSW | 36 KHz | SDS III-3 (USA-162) 143.9W | |
250.350 | SE | ? | Ch 1 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W? | narrow carrier; off air 20140314 |
250.400 | SW | ? | Ch 2 - PAC? | data; off air 20130305 |
250.450 | SE | 30 KHz? | Ch 3 - CONUS? | normally distributed peaks spanning 30 KHz |
250.550 | SW | ? | Ch 5 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | narrow carrier |
250.650 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 7 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
251.275 | SE | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
251.325 | SE | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
251.700 | SW | 30 KHz? | not in bandplan - SDS? | |
251.850 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 9 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | off air 20140314 |
251.950 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 10 - PAC: UFO4: 177.1W | slightly SE of 252.050 |
252.050 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 11 - PAC: UFO8: 173.3E | slightly SW of 251.950 |
252.150 | SW | ? | Ch 12 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109; back on 20130305; narrow carrier |
252.150 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 12 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ?;off air 20140314 |
253.000 | SW | ? | TACSAT4? | LEO |
253.262 | WSW | 280 KHz? | ? | peaks every 15.75 KHz; pos LEO/HEO |
253.550 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 13 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
253.650 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 14 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
253.750 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 15 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | wideband Asian b/c audio |
253.850 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 16 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese 20121019 |
254.075 | SW | 30 KHz | on or near UFO4 177.1W | UK channel; off air 20130305 |
254.100 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 241 - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
254.150 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 192 - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
254.150 | SW | 30 KHz | on or near UFO4 177.1W | UK channel; off air 20130305 |
255.250 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 17 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
255.350 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 18 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
255.450 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 19 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
255.550 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 20 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Portuguese 20121019 |
256.375 | WSW | 30 KHz? | ? | data; possible LEO/HEO |
256.475 | SSW | 36 KHz? | SDS III-3 (USA-162) 143.9W | data |
256.850 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 21 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
256.950 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 22 - PAC: UFO4: 177.1W | |
257.050 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 23 - PAC: UFO8: 173.3E | |
257.150 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 24 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
257.550 | SE | 30 KHz | UK Channel | first noticed 20140314 |
257.550 | SW | 30 KHz | on or near UFO4 177.1W | UK channel; off air 20130305 |
258.350 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 25 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
258.450 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 26 - PAC: UFO4? 177.1W | first noticed 20140314 |
258.550 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 27 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
258.650 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 28 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20140314 |
258.650 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 28 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
260.375 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 46 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
260.425 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 48 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
260.475 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 50 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
260.525 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 52 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
260.575 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 54 - PAC UFO4: 177.1W | |
260.625 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 56 - ? | shared w/UFO6;Russian/Altai phone audio; off air 20121023 |
260.625 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 56 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ?; Portuguese 20121019 |
260.675 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 58 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
260.725 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 60 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
260.725 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 60 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ?; Portuguese 20121019 |
261.575 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 71 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.625 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 73 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
261.675 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 75 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.725 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 77 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
261.775 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 79 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.825 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 81 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
261.875 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 83 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
261.925 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 85 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
262.075 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 88 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
262.100 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 89 - PAC: UFO4? 177.1W | 30KHz in bandplan!; first noticed 20140314 |
262.125 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 90 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
262.125 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 90 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
262.150 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 91 - PAC: UFO4? 177.1W | 30KHz in bandplan!; first noticed 20140314 |
262.175 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 92 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
262.200 | SW | 6 KHz | Ch 93 - PAC: UFO4? 177.1W | 30KHz in bandplan!; first noticed 20140314 |
262.225 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 94 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
262.225 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 94 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
262.275 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 96 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
262.325 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 98 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
262.325 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 98 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
262.375 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 100 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
262.425 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 102 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
262.425 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 102 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
263.225 | SSW | 36 KHz? | SDS III-3 F3 143.8W | data |
263.575 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 109 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
263.625 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 111 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | Op Deep Freeze traffic 20121022 |
263.675 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 113 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
263.725 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 115 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
263.775 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 117 - PAC: UFO4? 177.1W? | on air 20130305 |
263.825 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 119 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
263.825 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 119 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
263.875 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 121 - PAC UFO4 177.1W | |
263.925 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 123 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
263.925 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 123 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
265.250 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 29 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | data; off air 20130305; back on air 20140314 |
265.350 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 30 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
265.450 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 31 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
265.550 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 32 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
265.550 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 32 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
266.750 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 33 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
266.850 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 34 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | Russian/Altai? phone audio 20121021 (edges of passband) |
266.950 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 35 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | Russian/Altai? phone audio 20121021 (edges of passband) |
267.050 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 36 - ? | shared w/UFO6; off air 20121109 |
267.050 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 36 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | shared w/ ? |
267.550 | SSW | 38 KHz? | SDS III-3 (US162) 143.8W | data |
267.825 | SE | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314 |
267.925 | SE | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - CONUS ? | first noticed 20140314; Spanish lang broadcast |
267.925 | SW | 30 KHz | not in bandplan - slightly SE of UFO4? | off air 20130305 |
268.150 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 37 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
268.250 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 38 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | |
268.350 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 39 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
268.450 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 40 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | Spanish lang broadcast |
269.650 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 41 - CONUS: UFO5 99.4W | |
269.750 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 42 - PAC: UFO4 177.1W | Asian b/c audio 20121020 (269.747) |
269.850 | SW | 30 KHz | Ch 43 - PAC: UFO8 173.3E | |
269.950 | SE | 30 KHz | Ch 44 - CONUS: UFO6 105.5W | |
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